Thank you for letting me feel the pain for me to know that ive learned how to loved, Thank you for letting me feel how to be left alone for me to question myself where i was wronged and change it for the better, Thank you for letting me rediscover that i have skills in writing in which where i expressed my broken emotions made by Youuuuuu, Thank you because ive seen lot of people who are worth in my precious time and not wasted, Thank you, you made me matured, Matured and smart enough in choosing love, Thank you for the one they changed over me cause they made them happy but more over thanks to them Because, I am now at my best position of the so called happiness and my heart is in the right place. And lastly Thank Youuuuu for making me fall in love again with myself Because, I never see my worth when i made him my world and it was the most realization i ever had in my life, 1. It is your choice. For now the idea of being with someone is still not gonna work for you. 2. You have different priorities. For now you still have a lot of things to do in life. You wanted to focus in your work. You wanted to focus in your life. 3. You are too busy loving yourself. You are too busy pampering yourself. 4. You have not met someone who is worthy of all the risks. 5. You are not ready to be with someone because you know that you need to invest, time, feelings and emotions. 6. You are too picky. Sometimes, your standards are way too unrealistic that they only exist in movies and books. 7. The perfect timing has not come yet. You just wait for the right time. You do not rush anymore. You have learned from the past. 8. Never be in a relationship just because you are bored. It will never work. Never be in a relationship just because you get pressured with what you see on social media. "Be in a relationship when you are emotionally ready." 9. Today they are telling you can't do it. Tomorrow they are gonna ask you how have you done it. 10. Never let your failures get to your heart and never let your success get to your head. And Don't bother lying to me, I find everything out. 11. Take control of your emotions before emotions take control of Youuuuuu. 12. I used to be so afraid of losing people, until i realized most of them were never really down for me in the first place. Even tho my loyalty & love for them ran deep, they could careless. So instead of being afraid of losing them, "I fell back & watched them lose me" WOOOOOW, GROWTH. 13. It’s during the toughest times of your life that you’ll get to see the True colors of the people who say they care about you. NOTICE: "Who sticks around and who doesn’t, and be grateful to those who leave you, for they have given you the room to grow in the space they abandoned, and the awareness to appreciate the people who loved you when you didn’t feel lovable." 14. Crying over someone won't bring them back to you. But smiling and laughing out loud in front of them will. 15. Accept your past without regrets" Handle your present with confidence" And,,, Face your future without fear" 16. To all my friends who never failed to listen to me when I need you the most, I just wanna say thank you so much for keeping me together when I'm breaking down. You guys are the best and I couldn't ask for more. 💕 17. Understanding is deeper than knowledge" There are many people who know Me" But,,, ""There are no anyone who understand Me""" 18. "At this point I don't even care. I'm just going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens." 19. If I ever decided to give up on you , Understand how much that took out of me. I’m the type to give endless chances, always had your back even when you were wrong & truly accept you for who you are. ""So if I gave up understand it took EVERYTHING I had left in me to leave Youuuuu."" 20. I have always been afraid of losing people I love, But,,, Sometimes I keep asking myself, ""IS THERE ANYONE WHO'S AFRAID OF LOSING ME TOO ???) 21. Thank Youuuuu for Reading ♥ ♥

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